Five Reasons why I love Bali

Sunny greetings from Bali!

This article was highly requested by you and I’m sharing this blogpost from the perspective of a solo female traveler. Here are the five reasons why I love Bali so much.

1. Bali is affordable for solo traveler
Believe me, I’ve been to several places all over the world for vacation. And I have my standards and basics that need to be covered. I know that I’m totally pampered by my job as a flight attendant, but I’m also in my forties where I need a certain level of comfort and luxuriousness to escape from the hectic daily life and get some much needed R&R.
Right now I’m staying at an airbnb which is sparkling clean, with a pool in a very central location in Canggu for 30 Euro per day. Think of all the yummy fresh breakfast bowls in rainbow colours for less than 5 Euro. Not to mention the massages starting at 5 Euro. It’s the whole package that’s makes Bali so attractive and affordable for the modern solo traveler with focus on good food and relaxing lifestyle. I could go on with the list, but you have to discover it for yourself. You get so much for your money compared to Western countries like the States or Europe. That’s one of the reason why I’m returning to Bali every season. With the same budget, I could be a backpacker in the States sleeping in hostels eating fast food or the relaxed traveler in Bali enjoying a dragonfruit bowl poolside in a private villa. You decide. :)

2. The food
Bali is the Instagram mecca for foodies, food bloggers and influencers alike. There is nearly no cafe or restaurant that isn’t instagramable. Fresh local fruits and veggies are served in the most prettiest way and create an explosion of yumminess in your mouth! I’m drooling while I’m typing this. ;) Be prepared to eat your weight in all kind of bowls when in Bali.
And to prevent the Bali belly(stomach issues), make sure to drink a fresh young coconut every day.

3. The people
I’m always impressed by the Balinese hospitality. I’m an Asian myself and really appreciate their kindness in every way. Their smile make me smile and I feel welcomed wherever I go. The Balinese are very hard working, super sweet, humble and full of life. Whenever I’m back in Germany, I painfully miss these lovely human beings with their soft voice and friendly smile.

4. Lifestyle
When I first visited Bali six years ago for a surf camp, I had no clue what to expect. But for the first time in my life, I experienced the easy life as a surfer and it changed my life and relationship with Bali forever. When I returned for the second time, I lost my heart in Canggu! This little town has everything that a solo female traveler needs for a relaxing, nourished and laidback holiday in a safe surrounding. I always feel so grounded and myself. You will never see a Chanel bag or other luxury items. The Canggu uniform is shorts, bikinis and flip flops. It’s the easy lifestyle that I love so much. And I feel so included and appreciated as the human being I am. There are no titles or labels. Just sunsets and coconuts.

5. Nature
There is much more to explore in Bali than Seminyak, Canggu and Uluwatu. Book a guide and go chasing waterfalls, do island hopping and explore the beauty of Bali’s lush and rich nature. The island offers the best combination of hidden gems and rich experiences. You just have to take a plunge and let Bali do the magic!

I hope you can understand now my love for Bali as a solo female traveler. It’s just the best deal in any way plus all year round blue skies and beautiful sunsets guarantee. I’m planning more detailed blogposts about Bali to help you organise your travel plans, so if you have any questions or requests, drop them in the comment box below.

I’m off to the beach now.
Sending you much love from the island.


  1. Hallo liebe Ji,
    ich bin so bereit für Bali durch deine ganzen Storys und Posts. Ich mache fleißig Screenshots und sammle alle deine Locations.
    Was ich dich fragen wollte: ist Bali sicher als junge Frau, wenn man alleine reist? Oder muss man auf etwas achten?

    Liebe Grüße aus dem kalten Berlin,

    1. Liebe Melanie,
      ich habe Bali bisher wirklich als sicher empfunden.
      Natürlich sollte man immer darauf achten nicht zu spät in dunklen Gassen zu laufen.
      Aber gerade in Bali sind so viele Frauen allein unterwegs und alle fühlen sich sicher.
      Ganz viel Spaß auf deiner Reise!
      Canggu ist Bali für Einsteiger. ;)

  2. Hello☺️
    Which Airbnb did you choose?
    It looks so nice !!

    Lovely Greeting from cold Germany💙💙💙

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