Where Flight Attendants go on Vacation | Travel Tips


Hello my loves! Let’s talk about a topic, that makes us smile. Going on vacation!
As a flight attendant I’m steadily on the go, traveling the world for free. I love my job and I wouldn’t trade it for any other job in the world. So how do I get to choose holiday destinations for a getaway to get away?

My vacation months are pretty much the same every year. When you don’t have kids, try to avoid school holidays and other months, where resorts and beaches are packed with families.
My favorite months are May, September and November. These months are just before or after high season, which means it’s easier to get on flights(I usually fly standby) and score a nice hotel deal. When you are traveling that much , you don’t want to do a lot on your private vacation. Some of my colleagues are even sick of flying and stay at home. I love that, too. But I’m the happiest at the beach, toes in the sand and salty wind in my hair. Big hotel chains are called home away from home when I’m on-duty, so I love to stay a small and cozy hotels, which offers me more privacy and I appreciate that to the fullest. I’m always surrounded by people and sometimes I just need a time out and disconnect from the busy world to unwind and get my batteries recharged.

Here are my personal holiday tips for the cold months November and December.
On a side note, I love warm bikini destinations. :)

Since my surf trip in 2013 I’m a huge fan of Bali. It’s all about surfing, sunsets and good food. I’ve never been that relaxed and connected to nature. November is one of the best months to travel Bali, before tourists are flooding the island for Christmas holidays in December.
Spa treatments are huge in Bali and I love being pampered with massages and relaxing in a flower petal bath. There is pretty much everything for everyone. Bali’s luscious nature, parties at the beach, yoga sessions high up in the mountains and shopping in the many small shops in Seminyak or Ubud. It’s one of my favorite holiday destinations, as the lifestyle is very relaxed and laid-back. You don’t need much. Bikini, shorts and a pair of flip flops is the uniform in Bali. I also love the fact that you can do budget to luxury travels. It’s totally up to you but the beauty of Bali’s nature will always be the same.


Thailand is always on top of my vacation list. It’s the food, the friendly people and the crystal clear water, where the endless ocean kisses the sky. I’ve been to Phuket several times and it never disappoints. There is not much sightseeing included when I travel Phuket, but I love to engage in cooking classes and any other activities, that the resorts are offering.
Singapore is also a cool place for a stopover before flying out to either Bali or Phuket.


You know how much I love California and LA in November is just perfect for traveling. Kid’s are back to school, it just the time before Thanksgiving, temperatures are high in the afternoon and mild in the evening. Rent a car and explore LA. l


If you don’t want to travel long-distance, the UAE is a destination for shopping, food and sightseeing. Please be aware that they are cultural differences and accept the rules and regulations regarding clothing and personal behaviors in public. I know that Dubai is more open and less strict than Abu Dhabi but I wouldn’t challenge any encounters with the officials while traveling. Dubai for me is the ultimate feeling of diving into a luxurious world without being a millionaire. Enjoy impeccable food with a view and surf in the dunes of the desert. Kiss a camel and buy souvenirs at the old souk. Dubai is a city of contrasts. Go out and explore.


If you want to stay in Europe, Spain and Portugal have still mild temperatures with a lot of sunshine for sightseeing. Make sure to start your day early as the sun sets earlier than in summer.
What are your favorite holiday destinations in winter?
Leave me comments below, love to hear your thoughts.

Für mehr Informationen über warme Reiseziele in Europa hier clicken.


  1. I really enjoyed this post – I want to go everywhere! I’ve only been to LA on this list but I think if I had to choose just one it would have to be Bali. I’ve had foot massages in China and I can only imagine how much more relaxing it would be to get spa treatments in beautiful Bali :)


  2. Ich würde jetzt am liebsten sofort in einen Flieger steigen und alle deine Tipps nacheinander bereisen. Mein Mann hat leider Flugangst, von daher verreisen wir eher mit dem Auto. Wenn unsere Kinder älter sind wollen wir eine verspätete Hochzeitsreise nach Bali machen. Ich hoffe, er überlegt es sich nicht anders.

    In den Wintermonaten war ich schon oft in Finnland und Schweden, diese Länder sind das ganze Jahr reizend!

  3. Ein toller Beitrag! Da bekommt man sooooo Reiselust(*0*)
    Für Winter ist das sicherlich ungewöhnlich aber ich war im Februar diesen Jahres drei Tage in Stockholm und es war toll! Gerade weil es Winter war, war Nebensaison und sehr leer aber die Geschäfte hatten alle geöffnet, weil nicht Mitsommer war. Und es war auch nicht so dunkel, es schien viel Sonne :) meine Freundin und ich sind von einem Café zum nächsten getingelt und haben Stockholm zu Fuß erkundet, gegessen und eingekauft :D Kann ich auch sehr empfehlen, wenn man nicht unbedingt Sonne und Strand braucht :)

  4. Hallo :)
    ich habe neuerdings total Rio de Janeiro für mich entdeckt! Mein Freund (Flugschüler bei LH) sind letzte Woche von FFM nach GIG Standby geflogen und es hat alles super geklappt! Das Wetter war überragend und waren von morgens bis abends unterwegs! Copacabana, Ipanema Beach, Sind auf den Morro Dois Irmaos gewandert durch den Regenwald und waren oben beim Cristo.. Einfach nur traumhaft, trotz nur 3 Tage Aufenthalt! Ich fand es sogar besser als 3 Wochen Thailand :)
    Wie findest du Rio?

    Mein Instagram-Account: 1samtaylor

    Liebe Grüße aus Bremen,
    Samantha Butz

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