I hope this outfit post will be the last one with a snowy background. I’m just not a winter person. What about you? As much as I love the change of the season with all its fashion diversity, bundled up in layers and freezing in the cold it just not my cup of tea.
So let’s talk about pretty things like pink coats, glitzy heels and think pink! Pink is making a huge appearance everywhere and I’m so glad it did. It’s definitely a color that makes ME happy because it reminds me of pink cotton candy, my favorite pink sweater from my childhood, pink strawberry ice cream and so many other things. This blush coat brightens up my daily outfit especially when it’s grey and gloomy outside. I’ve linked some of my favorite pink coats and blush pieces, so that we are ready for spring at any time to spring!
Happy pink Tuesday my pretty ladies.
Thanks for reading.

Edited sweater
Denim by Zara | shop similar here (my fave)
Christian Louboutin So Kate
I love the color of that coat for the winter time! For years I always chose grey or black winter coats but I got a pink blush one. Makes me feel happy during the grey months :)
Was für ein toller Mantel. Die Farbe ist wirklich wunderschön, gar nicht wie ein Bonbon, sondern super edel. Und vor allem eine Farbe, die zu allem passt. So ein Sahneteil suche ich auch.
Und die Schuhe sind mega schön. Haben-wollen Schuhe!
xo ♥
Claudine / http://www.claudinesroom.com